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Wednesday, March 26, 2008
A simple test
If you think you’re on a critical diplomatic mission, there is a simple test. Look to the left, and to the right. If you see Sinbad, be assured: ya’not.
The problem is, Clinton knows her record is weak. But she also knows how great she really is. She’s built up an impressive concept, in her head, about all she could do and be. It’s inconvenient to have to convince people of that bold concept using only the actual facts of her life, however. So, you know, she just makes stuff up that sounds better, instead.
When I was in art school, there were always people talking about their grand plans for the art they were gonna make. These people typically were disappointed with the actual pieces they had completed, and there’s no shame in that — you gotta start somewhere. However, there was a certain kind of art student who tried to draw your attention away from the (unimportant) pieces they’d made so you could focus on the (crucial, world-changing) but as-of-yet notional pieces they were gonna make real soon now. That was how I came to know the one thing I learned in art school:
Your work is not different from what you actually do.
Sinbad, holla!
by Jack, March 26, 2008 12:49 AM
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