An iconoclastic adventurer, lost in a New York he never made, reports on drinking, women, and drinking and women.
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Gaspard on The Ugly Reader: Ugly Takes a Stand, November 4, 2010 6:14 AM.
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mj on The Ugly Reader: Ugly Takes a Stand, May 9, 2009 1:33 AM.
anonymous on The Ugly Reader: Ugly Takes a Stand, October 11, 2008 6:03 PM.
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Friday, November 10, 2006
that's not a foot in your mouth, is it?
oh yes, let’s hear all about you, shall we? i’m sure we’re all so interested. i’m tempted to draw a metaphor consisting of a school assembly wherein the principal/dean/whatever is rattling on about life’s lessons or God or something & all of the students are writing notes, picking their noses, or sleeping. i seem to be the only one paying attention here, & i’m calling your bullshit. at first i thought it was jack pretending to be a woman, just to start fresh with another point of view - something simultaneously admirable & questionable. then i realized not even jack was this narcissistic - or then, maybe he is; at least he knows his stuff is interesting enough to read. no wonder you’re stuck with some rando’s cock in your mouth - he was probably sick of hearing your life story.
by Jane, November 10, 2006 8:22 PM
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I come here for commentary on the world from a misanthropic womanizing drunkard.
I have no interest in this Jane feud. I believe the dearth of comments on these posts confirms I am not alone.
Bring Jack back.